Team:Hong Kong-CUHK/Project/Mixing Entropy Battery


Mixing-entropy battery

In the nature, the water cycle is driven by solar energy. One part of the water cycle is that solar energy evaporates seawater to become freshwater through inland precipitation. From another point of view, during evaporation, the entropy of different ions in the sea, mainly sodium, chloride and potassium, decreases as ion concentration is elevating. It is a common phenomenon that when a concentrated solution of a certain solute, such as sodium chloride, is diluted, the entropy of the solvent increases. Thus the ocean is actually a gigantic energy reservoir. Its energy is transformed from solar energy and stored as salinity potential. When seawater mixes with freshwater from river, massive amount of energy is released.

Fig.1  Cycles of mixing-entropy battery.


Recently, some institutes are seeking efficient methods for extracting energy when mixing seawater and freshwater. Mixing-entropy battery is thus designed to convert salinity potential into electricity1(Fig. 1). One pair of electrodes can specifically bind sodium ions or chloride ions, thus separating the charge when they are immersed in high salinity solution, while decreasing the sodium chloride concentration in the solution. During this process, electrons in the cathode flow across electrical wires and reach the anode when there is a complete electric circuit, since the binding of chloride ion with the chemicals in the electrode releases an electron, while the binding of sodium ion takes up an electron. When the electrodes achieve equilibrium with the solution, there is no more electrical current. The next step is to immerse the full-loaded electrodes in freshwater. Due to the salinity difference, sodium ions and chloride ions are released from the electrodes. A current of reversed direction is generated while resuming to the original state. When the equilibrium is achieved, the electrodes are re-immersed to high salinity water to start another cycle1.


However this method only has high efficiency near estuaries. To overcome this obstacle, we redesigned this method using Halorhodopsin-transformed E. coli. In our project, we fabricated the pair of electrodes according to L. Mantia’s method1 and withdrew currents from the battery. This is the first attempt to generate electricity from light energy by microorganism system in iGEM competition.

If you are insterested in the result of mixing entropy battery with halorhodopsin-transformed E. coli, you might visit the "Solar electricity generation" session.

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1.        La Mantia, F. et al.Batteries for Efficient Energy Extraction from a Water Salinity Difference. Nanoletters 0-3(2011).at <>

2.        Guo, W. et al. Energy Harvesting with Single-Ion-Selective Nanopores: A Concentration-Gradient-Driven Nanofluidic Power Source. Advanced Functional Materials 20, 1339-1344(2010).



"Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things." - Theodore Levitt

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